Thursday, March 25, 2010

Things and how sucky they can get .....

As the small number of you who read may have noticed, I haven't been round much these last couple of months.

Things have been a bit sucky actually and the energy to update and try to keep upbeat hasn't been there. 

Mainly a lot of this is because we lost a very much loved Uncle to cancer.  Talk about really sucky.  Man, just writing that made me cry again.  I still can't quite believe he's gone and I still can't believe how fast it took him.  He is missed by us all very much :-(

I have so much more empathy and sympathy for those dealing with this disease now than I ever had.  I've always known that it's horrible and evil and well, sucky, but I've never lived it or been up close to it.  I wish I still had that naivety.

This means that although I've kept knitting (gotta have one staple!) not a lot else has gone on and now it's almost April.   That means winter and busy times ahead, G is about to turn 15 (arghhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!) and sport season is about to begin.  It also means Easter is coming which I'm most excited about as I've taken 3 days leave to have a whole 10 days at home with the kids, I can't wait.  Some time to relax, blob and chill out.  Catch up on sleep and generally refresh and recover from the last few months and prepare for the next few ahead.  Hopefully they won't be as tragic as the ones just been.